This section includes funny "Lame Excuses" Jokes. Did you stand up your date? Blow off your friends? Miss a deadline? Well, if you need an excuse, we've got you covered! They may be lame, but they're free! Make your friends laugh with these funny jokes. These images are free for your personal use for email, your phone, or to post on any website, social network page or blog. Your friends are sure to enjoy these funny "lame excuses"! So brighten someone's day and make them laugh by sending these funny comments! We all avoid things, and sometimes we just plain forget! Whatever it is that you need an excuse for, we've got you covered. At work, school, home or with friends! Did you fail to show up at the movies with your friends? Did you blow a big deadline? Perhaps you forgot your anniversary or committed some other romantic transgression? Maybe you're just a procrastinator or avoiding work? Whatever it is, we've got you covered!