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Happy New Year 2011 Glitter On Magenta

Free Background or Wallpaper Image for use on the web or any phone, laptop, tablet or PC

Happy New Year 2011 Glitter On Magenta, Holidays New Years Background, background image and background codes for MySpace, Friendster, Orkut, Hi5, or any other web page, profile or blog.

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Background Image License and Permissions

This background image is free for your personal use. You can use it on Blogger, Twitter, YouTube, or any profile, web page or blog. You can also download it and use it as a wallpaper on your phone, tablet or computer.

Where possible, we always appreciate a link back to our site, but it is not required.

You may not alter the image, sell it, use it for commercial purposes (including redistributing it on similar sites) or claim any copyright.


General Instructions for Web Use

To use this background on any standard HTML web page or blog, simply copy the codes from the HTML/CSS box and paste into the body section of your web page HTML or blog template.

Some profiles or applications offer a way to upload a background image. In that case you can either download the image to your device and then upload it as you would any other image (preferred because the image will load faster that way) or you can copy the direct link and paste it into the "file name" box on the upload image dialog.